It Looks Like It's Open (ILLIO) - 13 E Tulane Rd, Columbus, Ohio
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Studiomate News:
The studio at 13 E Tulane continues to grow and evolve! We've been joined by two more artists on the Open Heart Art side (15 E Tulane) and we're currently figuring out how to integrate our practice throughout our building.
Ryan Agnew's Worm Man gets some recognition! Documentation of Worm Man will be on view in Vermiculture Makers Club at Kentucky School of Art in Louisville March 6 - April 17. Worm Man was also recently featured on the WormCulture website/blog,, which sets out to highlight the community of worm art makers and hopefully increase the production of culture around worms.
Check out Angie Hay's new project: YOGA ENLARGED:ENCOURAGEMENT. EMPOWERMENT. EMBODIMENT. Yoga Enlarged is a unique class created for big bodies by big bodies. We believe that the practice of yoga should be accessible to people of all shapes, sizes, and abilities, and we strive to offer a welcoming environment for full-figured yogis to come to the mat. You will be met with a balance of permission and challenge to help you experience your true capacity for strength, flexibility, serenity, and self-love. We invite you to join us in class for a revolutionary practice within a supportive community.
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Weekly at ILLIO:
Sundays, 11am-12:15pm
Good Morning Hatha, Yoga with Jason FarringtonAll classes are free or by donation. "Hello, my name is Jason Farrington and I am currently wrapping up my 200 hour yoga teacher training program from Balanced Yoga University. I have been practicing yoga for about 4-5 years now and I wanted to start offering free beginners yoga classes in my community. Hope to see you there."
Most Sundays, 6-7:00pm
Sacred Shimmy - Advanced Tribal Belly Dance
Ongoing, most Sundays from 6:00 - 7:00 PM. $15 drop in, $60 three class pass. Sacred Shimmy updates here.
Weekdays, 6:15am - 7:30am
Living Well - MOVE
Small group training is ongoing, in a convenient drop-in setting. Each day has a varied focus and approach to fitness. You choose your own adventure and decide how many and which days you join the group! Group size could vary from 2-8 participants, giving you a semi-private training experience with greater attention to your technique and abilities, and an individualized and goal-centered training program.
- Mondays – Strength & Power – Functional, dynamic, big muscle exercises using kettlebells, bodyweight, TRX, plyos, and bands.
- Tuesdays – Cardio Intervals & Agility Drills – Energy system development through cardiovascular and agility drills using small hurdles, cone drills, interval training, and sprints.
- Wednesdays – Core & Control – Unique combination and isometric movements to enhance core strength, range of motion and flexibility, and balance.
- Thursdays – Strength & Power – Functional, dynamic, big muscle exercises using kettlebells, bodyweight, TRX, plyos, and bands.
- Fridays – Wild Card/Trainer’s Choice!
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 8-8:45am
Wake Up - Morning Meditation
Friends bringing in the day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays through the year with a 20/25-minute seated meditation, a short Zen style service. and a brief “Dharma sharing." Sitting on the cushions (chairs also available). Those new to the practice are welcome. For more information contact seth.josephson@gmail. com, or visit http://wakeupcolumbus. or www.facebook. com/groups/539473676105662/.
Tuesdays, 7:30pm
Queer Yoga's Tuesday Tadasana
Queer Yoga is Columbus's first queer-focused yoga class that offers professional yoga instruction in a designated Safe(r) Space. We endeavor to cultivate an atmosphere of acceptance and community in all we do, from sun salutations to post-yoga snack time. Whether you are new to yoga, or you can complete a headstand without assistance, you will find something to challenge and deepen your practice.
Class fees are $6 for ALL participants. Everyone is welcome. Bring a mat.
Class fees are $6 for ALL participants. Everyone is welcome. Bring a mat.
fb updates: events/763331470346003/
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ILLIO special events for March:
Friday, March 6th, 8:00pm
Frequency Fridays: Shana Palmer (MD) + Tone Elevator (CMH) + Adam Crawley(IN)/John Osburn(CMH)
Fuse Factory March Frequency Fridays show features artist-experimental musician Shana Palmer, experimental electronica/space rock trio Tone Elevator (CMH), and experimental electronica duo Adam Crawley (IN) + John Osburn (CMH). Date: Friday, March 6, 2015. Location: It Looks Like It’s Open (13 E. Tulane Av., 43202). Admission: $10, $15 for 2. Doors open 8pm. Our Frequency Fridays 2014-2015 season is supported by a grant from the Greater Columbus Arts Council. BYOB, all ages.
To learn more about the performers, please visit: http://thefusefactory. org/events/march-2015- frequency-fridays/ or on facebook at 1562244110718347
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Sunday, March 8th, 1-3:00pm
Wake Up Sangha - Meditation and Dharma Sharing
Wake Up is an active global community of led by young mindfulness practitioners, aged 18-35, and inspired by the teachings of Zen teacher and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. We come together to practice awareness in order to take care of ourselves, nourish happiness, and contribute to building a healthier and a more compassionate society. All ages are welcome at our gatherings.
For more information contact seth.josephson@gmail. com, Facebook updates: events/1421981588098970/
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Sunday, March 8th, 7:30-9:30pm
Trance Studies: Becoming Fish (II)
Rescheduled for this Sunday the 8th!
For this session, we will pair two postures. The first will be the "singing shaman" for door opening. The second will be the the "fish trance," derived from representations of Aztec goddess Chalchihuitlique and evoking water, renewal, adapting to change.
*Instructions for participation: Please arrive on time, the door will be closed at 7:45 so that the session can begin without interruption. Fasting will enhance the experience, but is not required. For best results, do not eat at least 30 minutes prior to the session. Avoid alcohol throughout the day. Wear loose-fitting clothing and avoid wearing metal.
*Young adults / teens welcome.
*Susan is not expecting payment so this session is by donation. Feel free to support her visit and the maintenance of the studio space with a small contribution.
Fb updates: events/424044904411903/
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Thursday, March 19, 7:00pm
Astrology: Soup to Nuts
Idea Wave Columbus is hosting astrologer, Elsa Hermes, for a discussion and Q&A. Are you curious about astrology and want to learn what it's all about? "Elsa is passionate about sharing her knowledge and has a unique ability to bring awe and awareness to others regarding ancient esoteric knowledge and its beneficial application to enrich one's daily life."
$10 cost. More information and registration, here: http://www.eventbrite. com/e/astrology-soup-to-nuts- tickets-15954858411
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Friday, March 20th, 6-10:00pm
Prisoner Art Show in Columbus!
There will be:
+ A Silent auction
+ Art Prints and Zines
+ Free food, drinks and good company!
Cost: $5 sliding scale donation. facebook info here:
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Saturday, March 28th, 3-7:pm
Popup Art Sale
This will feature the work of studio-mates, April Sunami, Ryan Agnew, and Heidi Kambitsch.
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Saturday, April 4th, 7:30pm
Full Moon Dance Party
Doors at 7:30 PM. Show beings promptly at 8:00 PM.
Admission: $5. This is a fundraiser to send Sacred Shimmy troupe to Michigan's Sacred Circles Dance Retreat to learn more about dance and drumming.
facebook info here: 909625465756800
facebook info here:

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