Film & sound artist Bruce McClure will be presenting a unique audio-video performance/experience at 13 East Tulane September 20th at 8:00. $5-10 suggested donation. See Bruce's description (and some video links) below.

Tuesday, September 20, 8:00pm
13 E Tulane Road, Clintonville 43202
Since my last visit to the Wexner and Columbus in 2007 I have
continued to keep the company of 16 mm projectors with film as their
analogue. My projection performances lean into spaces shaded and
hushed seeking implicit triangulations among living things where the
conversion of matter into energy is a metaphor for consciousness. “It
Looks Like Its Open Gallery” will be the first in a pair of change
ringing performances in Columbus, projector placements that define
boundaries by measuring them in light years and soundsense while
giving special attention to echo. Although I have proposed that
“every seat is the best in the house” changing the house will offer
chances to flex mussels anew and find another vantage point to take in
the wavescape. Two performances using different materials and
separated by four days are like a pair of dumbbells that will
hopefully provide some with an additional means to exercise in
phenomenal space.
During these performances we will find ourselves like explorers in the
undiscoverable arctic regions where the needle indifferently respects
all points of the horizon alike. This projection performance will be
like a transmitter from these regions. It will consist of both double
walled pipes constructed of two patterned emulsion and base loops
sandwiched and closed in the film path and the simpler frequencies
produced a single loop. Working together the machines will heterodyne
across the variegated film surfaces shifting interest onto a useful
frequency range for the reception of nerve endings and concatenation
under many domes that form the skyline of the city.
Bruce McClure
Brooklyn, New York
August 18, 2011